Recent Exhibitions and Venues
The Art of Lubomir Janecka
Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved
- Vaclav Havel Anniversary, Heart of Prague, Gallery
One, Prague, Czech Republic (October 2016)
- Jiri Jilek Gallery, Sumperk, Czech Republic (October
2015) Solo Exhibition.
- Freedom Foyer, Capitol, Washington DC (November
19, 2014) Vaclav Havel Bust in bronze.
- Council of Europe, Strasburg, France (October 2012)
Vaclav Havel bust in bronze.
Copyright 2009-2018 All rights reserved.
Vaclav Havel Bust close up.
Unveiling of Lubomir Janecka's Vaclav Havel Bust at the Statuary Hall of the US Capitol in
November 2014. From left: Dagmar Havlova, P. John. Boehner, Bohuslav Sobotka, Nancy Pelosi,
and Jan Hamacek.
Exhibition at Jiri Jilek Gallery. Photo Mirek Koval.
Vaclav Havel Bust in its permanent placement, The Freedom Foyer, US Capitol. (Winston Churcill
bust is on the left side.)
P: John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, Czech Ambassador Petr Gandalovic and Stan Hoyer honoring
the 25th Anniversary of VH speech to the Joint Session of Congress in 1990
Vaclav Havel bust at Gallery One, October 2016. Photo Alan Pajer.